Friday, 12 July 2013

Much-needed Disturbance

This has been an eye-opening week.

I know I can be cautious and thrifty (to the point of penny-pinching). But last month had been one of those in which I found myself thinking several times, "If I get through this, next month is going to be awesome." Well, I got through it.

Suddenly, things looked different. I thought about all the time spent doing safe things, unnecessary things, and all the effort spent worrying and saving for some contingency plan for an unforeseen disaster. I didn't like that thought and decided I needed some inspiration.

A panda at Huangzhou Zoo, Zhejiang, China.
Photographer: Xiaoqun Zheng
I know I might be criticised for this but this
was the photo that got me most emotionally.
On Monday, I took Chad to the World Press Photo Exhibition for our weekly date night. It was a surprise and he was delighted. I, on the other hand, wasn't sure what to expect, being more of a post-production kind of gal. But by the end of it, I was changed.

The photos I saw represented so much hurt and despair on a level that I, in my cloistered world, have only ever heard about. Parents outliving their children through war, children with acid-splashed faces, women who play sports in secrecy for fear of persecution...these are scenarios that exist only in movies for me.

We came away silent, and after some time, both of us expressed that the exhibition had been a much needed disturbance.

So to myself and anyone who might be reading this, take this away: silver linings only come to those who have their eyes open. Get off that couch, give generously, don't wait to cash on in those gifts that God has given you and love, love, love fiercely.

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