What doesn't kill you will make you stronger. That's the clichéd saying, isn't it? But today, I'm feeling that mastering a handstand by myself will be something that I look back on for encouragement...that is if I don't injure myself first.
Yesterday, I tried doing a handstand with a wall for support. The result was that with only three directions to fall, I fell sideways, which was more uncomfortable than just free-falling.
Today (after breakfast, no less), I employed Chad to spot me. So three handstands later, here's the rundown:
Figure A:
Launch sequence activated after much swallowing and wiping of sweaty palms.
Figure B:
Arms straight: √
Looking at wall, not at ground: √
Hips thrust: √
Legs straight: √
Core stomach muscles engaged: X
= still unable to support myself
I'd like to think that the massive amount of hair I have is contributing to being unbalanced. But that'd probably be a cop-out. It feels like riding a bike all over again. But the good news is that I did eventually learn to ride a bike. Hopefully this is going in the same direction.